Glitter and Chunky
Showing all 2 results
Glitter and Chunky
Neon glitter and chunky glitter
$5.00 – $7.00Neon orangeneon yellowneon pinkneon purpleneon greennail pink glittersilver glitterpurple red glitterpurple glitterdeep blue glitteraqua blue glitterred glitterblue glitterorange glittergreen glitterClear3oZ5oZ -
Glitter and Chunky
Gorgeous Glitter and Chunky for 16 oZ cup/ Nail desiging
$1.50 – $3.005# Gold festival15# Baby yellow14# Baby Pink12# Pink Romantic2# Ruby wine4 # The whole Galaxy13# Baby Blue3#, purple babysbreath21# Gold green umbre7# deep heart in the sea10# Baby white mixture9# Dark magic8# white cow20# Silver Galaxy11# White gold and red mixture6# Proud as a peacockClear3oZ5oZ